Call for papers: Nordic Utility Glass Conference 2021

The virtual conference will be hosted by Holmegaard Works (Museum Southeast Denmark) on Zoom.

Date: 25. September 2021.

Crossing borders – influences between the Nordic glassworks in terms of work force, technology and design

In the course of the past two centuries a fruitful exchange of ideas, technology and stylistic expression has taken place between the glassworks in Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark. Glass workers have been travelling between the Nordic glass works, crossing borders in search of employment and bringing with them new technology and skill sets. Commercial departments at the glass factories have picked up trends to be translated into new glass ranges accommodating local consumers. And the artistic leaderships have looked to neighbouring countries for inspiration and new aesthetic ideas in glass.

Since 2016 the Nordic Utility Glass Conference has taken place annually as a collaboration between Sveriges glasmuseum (Kulturparken Småland/ Växjö, Sweden), the Finnish Glass Museum (Riihimäki, Finland) and Museum Southeast Denmark (Næstved, Denmark). The conference is a forum for sharing knowledge about the history; manufacture practices and aesthetic developments in utility glass in the Nordic countries, as well as a network and a venue for inspiration for new researchers, collectors and designers to take up glass as a field of interest.

Call for papers

The conference welcome papers on all aspects of the conference theme “Crossing borders – influences between the Nordic glassworks in terms of work force, technology and design”.

If you wish to give a paper please submit a short abstract of your presentation in English to

The conference will take place on the platform ZOOM and contain two blocks of Pecha Kucha-style presentations. Each block will be followed by roundtable talks discussing the presentations.

The Contributors will have to contribute with the following:

  • A thorough paper, two to three pages long, which will be sent to the participants before the conference and uploaded on the museum webpage.
  • A recorded Pecha Kucha-style presentation of 15 minutes which will be published online on the 25/9.

Deadline for submission will be 1 August 2021 to curator Joachim Allouche
