Nordisk Konservatorforbund Danmark – Call for abstracts

Nordisk Konservatorforbund Danmark (NKF) indkalder abstracts til næste års NKF-konference, som afholdes i København den 3.-4. oktober 2024. Der er frist for indsendelse den 5. november 2023.            

Resilience: Adapting heritage preservation to future challenge

NKF-Danmark has the pleasure to invite proposals for the upcoming 23rd Triennial NKF Congress “Resilience: Adapting heritage preservation to future challenges which will be held in October 2024 at The National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen.

Our wish is to set focus on preservation ethics, practices and goals in a rapidly changing world. We would like to offer space for discussion on resilience in conservation and of the conservation profession; how the field adapts to changes in climate and biodiversity, international political structures, colonial dynamics and other contemporary issues. Furthermore, we would like to broaden the discussion on how heritage preservation can contribute to a change of conduct amongst people, institutions, and society.

The 23rd Triennial NKF Congress aims at showcasing the newest research topics in heritage preservation in the IIC-Nordic Group and likewise invites international researchers to bring their knowledge to northern Europe. We believe in the importance of inclusion and sharing with our communities and gaining new perspectives from it.

Therefore, we encourage interested speakers worldwide, with background not only in conservation but other heritage-related areas, and expertise within the theme of the congress, across gender and gender identities, age, religious and ethnic background, to submit an abstract on one of the topics below:

  • Resources & sustainability. Keywords: Humans as a resource, interdisciplinarity, sustainable practices in architecture, conservation, archaeology, and environmental conservation
  • Co-creation & collaboration. Keywords: Interdisciplinary collaborations, inclusion, traditional practices, representation, ownership, responsibility, volunteering
  • Conflict & care. Keywords: Repatriation and representation, decolonization, recovery, emergency response, raising awareness
  • Change & persistence. Keywords: Education, heritage skills, legislation, heritage communities and organisations, digitisation

The topics include but are not limited to the abovementioned keywords.

Important dates and deadlines

Submissions of up to 400 words must be sent to no later than 11:00 pm CET on 5th November 2023. The authors of the accepted abstracts will be notified by 1 December 2023, and will receive instructions on the further process.

Please state the topic you would like your submission to be considered for, as well as whether you will commit to a full article or an extended abstract for the preprint. Please note that only the full articles will be peer-reviewed.

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